East West

Short story by Luay Abdul-Ilah (1)      The famous paradox of Zeno of Elea states that, in order for Achilles’ arrow to fly from point A to point B,…


  Short story by Luay Abdul-Ilah (1)   I only got that job thanks to the sheer chance which made me pick the Evening Standard from one of…

Snake’s Secret*

Whenever anyone expressed their admiration for her ever renewable beauty my aunt would say, “With this handbag I’ll conquer old age forever.” No one…


Short story by Luay Abdul-Ilah “I will tell you an important secret that will turn your lives upside down,” Hadi said in a serious voice which made…


Short story by Luay Abdul-Ilah Whenever my sisters and I exchange memories of our childhood, I get the sensation of having been part of a story that…


  Short story by Luay Abdul-Ilah Her voice was soft and trembling with childlike delight, when she whispered in his ear: “wake up Mustapha, we’re…

تاء التأنيث

(1) "ماذا كان سيسميك أهلك لو وُلِدتَ بنتاً؟" سألتُ "مصيب" من دون سابق إنذار، وهذا ما جعل عينيه ترمشان قليلا وراء نظارتيه السميكتين. ارتسمت…

لعبة الأقنعة

(1) تسترجع الغرفة أخيرا نفسها أمامه، ها هو يهبط في مظلة شديدة البطء حتى تلامس قدماه سطح الفراش الناعم. تلتقط عيناه الفوضى المتمثلة بقطع الملابس…